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The 1027 Team

Selwyn Bodley

Lead Pastor

Nickname(s): Bam Bam Bigelow

Hobbies: Hunting, fishing, anything outdoors

Favorite movie: The last samurai

Favorite book: I enjoy a few different authors depending on my mood... Francis Chan, Erwin Mcmanus, John Grisham(The Testament)

Favorite food: Buffalo wings... is that a food???

Favorite saying: "To reach people no one else is reaching, we must do things no one else is doing" - Andy Stanley

Most useless skill: My wife would say watching the kids

Favorite bible story: Joshua leading the Israelites into the Promise Land

My favorite thing about gtc: The people and definitely the staff!

Renny Varughese

Associate Pastor

Nickname(s): Rendawg, Renneth, Renforth

Hobbies: Playing keyboard, playing with my kids, playing sports

Favorite movie: LOTR trilogy

Favorite book: Celebration of discipline (Richard Foster), and the gospel of Luke

Favorite food: Hakka (aka Chinese-Indian food from Toronto...yummm)

Favorite saying: “going to church doesn't make you a Christian

anymore than going to the garage makes

you a car” -Laurence J. Peter

Most useless skill: Proofreading – i don’t good do proof reading

Favorite bible story: Moses parting the Red Sea

My favorite thing about gtc: Great people!

Elizabeth Morse

Children's Pastor & GT Administrator

Nickname(s): Beth, Mommy

Hobbies: Scrapbooking, reading

Favorite movie: The lord of the rings trilogy

Favorite book: I like so's hard to choose!

Favorite food: Mac and cheese, pizza

Favorite saying: “God has a plan for you, and it is a GOOD plan”

Most useless skill: Playing ping pong

Favorite bible story: Queen esther saving her people

My favorite thing about gtc: It is a wonderful place to meet

friends and raise your family…

the bosses aren't bad either! :)

Corrie Bryda

Youth Director

Nickname(s): Core

Hobbies: Swimming, going to the beach

Favorite movie: Twilight

Favorite book: Twilight

Favorite food: Broccoli

Favorite saying: Like...whatever

Most useless skill: Watching Twilight

Favorite bible story: Jesus alive on the 3rd day!

My favorite thing about gtc: Great church family!

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