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2016-2017 Preschool Brochure Click Here

Class Schedules:

3 Year Olds - Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00 - 11:30 a.m.

4 Year Olds - Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Mornings: 9:00 - 11:30 a.m.

Afternoon class based on enrollment.

Registration forms click here



Calvary Community Preschool ascribes to the tenants of faith of our church. We believe in Jesus Christ as the son of God and the Bible as the inspired Word of God. The purpose of this preschool is to provide a loving, Christian atmosphere in the classroom for the children and to provide parents with a school to which they can entrust their child. Our goal is to provide a happy and safe environment where children can learn.

Our school year runs from September through May. The curriculum is a balance of child directed and teacher lead activities, with opportunities to express individual creativity, promote social interactions, and develop problem solving skills.

Our preschoolers learn about God’s love through singing, memorizing scripture, and by learning to share, love and respect others. Our curriculum includes letter and sound recognition, rhyming, alliteration, pre-writing skills, number recognition and math skills, art, science, music, and both fine and gross motor skills. We are an active partner of the L.E.E.P Program (Longview’s Early Education Partnership) in which we participate in many professional development trainings and receive valuable materials to align and prepare our students for their future. Our program is also enhanced by our monthly fieldtrips, activities shared with parents, Thanksgiving Program, Christmas Program, Mother’s Day Tea and Graduation.

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