Emmanuel Baptist Church Coquille logo

About Us

Who We Are

We are a spirited bunch of youth, children & adults who want to experience life at its best – abundant, real & forever! Our name describes us:

Emmanuel – We believe that Jesus was speaking truthfully when He said, “I have come that they may have life, & have it to the full” – that life begins with a relationship with Jesus!

Baptist – We believe the Bible is God’s Word, & that it’s relevant to our lives & reliable!

Church – We believe faith is lived out in relationships! We are committed not only to orthodoxy (sound doctrine), but to orthopraxy (putting what we believe into practice).

EBC is part of the Coquille Valley Christian Ministerial Association, a local consortium of churches who cooperate to share life in Jesus.

We are associated with CB Northwest, an association of 250+ churches in the Pacific Northwest who share common doctrine, polity & philosophy of ministry.

If you are interested in reading our Constitution and By-Laws, please click here to view and download the PDF file.

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