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Sons of Thunder

Father/Son Weekend

1st - 8th Grade Boys

Sons of Thunder is not one more activity to fill your child's summer, one more camp to entertain your son, one more thing to check off your to-do list, or one more hobby to pursue. Sons of Thunder is designed to set you up to hit a home run as a dad. God has specifically placed you in your son's life to journey with him as you both discover who it is God is transforming you to be.

This gathering is aimed at providing a space for the men of your church to live out their calling of healthy fatherhood. The weekend is not driven by new information on how to be a father or son, but by intentional experiences that allow you to be dad and boys to be son's as God intended. This is also a great event to bring the boys that God has put in your path who do not have a father in their home.

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