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Finacial Peace University

Give up debt for Lent! Join the new class of Financial Peace University taught by Dave Ramsey starting on Tuesday February 24, 2015. The class will meet for 9-weeks in the Learning Center of Immanuel Lutheran School. An FPU membership normally cost $93, but through the generosity of members of Immanuel we can offer you the membership for just $50! Sign up today and feel good about already saving money!

What is Financial Peace University?

We all need a plan for our money. Financial Peace University (FPU) is that plan! It teaches God's ways of handling money. Through video teaching, class discussions and interactive small group activities, FPU presents biblical, practical steps to get from where you are to where you've dreamed you could be. This plan will show you how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely, and much more!

Watch The Box, the Plan and the Story - Financial Peace University

What will you learn in Financial Peace University?

Financial Peace University (FPU) is a nine-week class on money taught by America's most trusted financial guru, Dave Ramsey. Dave and his teaching team will walk you through the basics of budgeting, dumping debt, planning for the future, and much more!

Watch the Class Preview

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