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For Adults

For Women

Christmas Decoration Exchange

Friday, January 8 at 7:00 PM

Ladies, bring Christmas home decorations that you've been storing but don't want anymore and exchange them for "new" items that others bring that you want for next year. Don't have anything to get rid of? Come and look for new items anyhow! Dessert and coffee will be served! Hosted in the ACC Cafe.

Devoted Women

Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM

A Sunday School class for all the women of ACC is held at 9:30 in Room 103. Come share a devotion, discussion and prayer time with other women of our church. It's a great start to the morning and a chance to connect with women you know and ones you haven't met yet.

Treasured Class

Wednesday Nights at 6:30 PM

Treasured is a class for the women of ACC to come together for a time of study and fellowship. Currently studying the book "No Other Gods" by Kelly Minter.

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