Andover Christian Church logo

For Adults


What to Expect: We are a multigenerational congregation with a love for God's Word and worship. You can expect to hear the very latest in contemporary worship music led by our own band as well as the time honored hymns of the faith.

Communion: Every week as we meet together we take time in our service to celebrate the Lord's Supper as a Memorial Meal. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ you are invited to share in this time of remembrance of His shed body and blood for our sins.

Offering: As an act of worship, we take an offering each week. Each one is invited to participate according to his/her own desire.

The Message: You can expect to hear relevant teaching on the Word of God each and every Sunday. There are Bibles in each pew as well as references on the screen to follow.

What to Wear: You will see people dressed in blue jeans and sandals, as well as business casual. Please come dressed as you are comfortable.

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