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Our Mission

We want to be a healthy example of the Family of God

The Church is a family: relationships, older, younger, rookies, veterans, extroverts, and introverts. There are challenges in being a family – and we willingly accept them. We do so because of how great it is to have real friends who really care!

So we can help people become more like Jesus

In healthy families people grow, they mature. Churches should help people grow spiritually as well. That's a priority for us. We are here to help everyone “grow up” spiritually. This happens by following Jesus, learning from Him, studying the Bible, and learning from other believers. This “Christlikeness” is our goal for everyone at ACC.

Then we can impact our Community

Jesus came to earth to invite all God’s Children to come home to their Heavenly Father. He did that by first showing them God's love and then dying for our sins. That mission which He began, is now ours to continue.

And we can impact the World

God’s love is a lot bigger than our community or the people we know. Jesus came to invite the whole world to come home to their Heavenly Father. We are committed to continuing that global Kingdom work.

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